Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Tour of Our New Home

We love our new home and are so thankful that the Lord provided us with such a cozy and comfortable place to live, right in the middle of Alamosa. Many of you have requested photos, so here you go. Pretend you're coming to visit!! :)

The view from the street. (My brother says it looks like Army housing, and we agree.)
Like you're about to ring our doorbell. :)
The view once the front door is open.
Another angle, and at nighttime.
The view from the "dining room" corner. Notice the big florescent light. They're in each room but the kitchen. We don't ever turn them on, though.

Entering the kitchen. Finding a spot for everything was an exciting challenge!

Additional storage!
Here's the view from the backdoor. We have a little backyard. That small building on the right is a storage building, but it belongs to the landlord, so we can't use it.

The bathroom.

The hallway.
Linen closet.
Our bedroom.

Look how organized our closet has to be! Hopefully it'll stay that way. :)

Entering our extra bedroom: the office/storage/utility/guest room. :)

Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the tour. Come visit us in person!!! :)

1 comment:

Paula said...

Good pictures! It looks like you could use the old West Boulevard wooden screens that I have used the last 9 years! (I gave one to Mom for her apartment.) Isn't it great that with your familiar "things", Love, and Christ anyplace can be home?! Love, Paula