Thursday, August 13, 2009

Highlights from the past 6 weeks

We've been enjoying summertime in the San Luis Valley and keeping busy, which is why our blog is lacking in entries. Here's our attempt to catch up: a list of highlights and photos from the past 6 weeks.

1. Camping, camping, camping!!! We've camped at Elk Creek, Rock Creek, near Lake Isabel, and near Creede.
With a group from church at Elk Creek in late June.

Rainy night at Rock Creek the last weekend of June.

With good friends, Glen and Mary Lynn Stillings, near Creede. July 26-27th.

2. Beth Moore Conference. Albuquerque. July 10-11. I (Rebecca) traveled with 12 other ladies from Alamosa for an awesome 2-day conference.

3. Date Night at the local Drive-In Theatre. We watched "The Proposal" and ate Sonic in D's truck-bed. What a fun night!

4. CO Springs trip: July 18-19. Drove up Pike's Peak and explored Garden of the Gods with D's cousin, Kyle. Had dinner with good friends: the Springstons and the Johnsons.

5. Hiked San Luis Peak with our good friend, Lisa. 14,014 feet. Saturday, August 1st. Beginning time: 0630. End Time: 1530. Miles: 13.1 roundtrip.

6. Visit from Rebecca's parents and the Johnson-Clasquin wedding in Ft. Collins. August 5-10.

The newlyweds: Jayson and Mallory Clasquin.