Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh Deer!

On our second morning here in Alamosa, Deric noticed dozens of brown little round pellets right smack dab in the middle of the walkway leading from our house to the sidewalk/street. Deer poop. 10 feet from our front door. We'd heard that the deer population in Alamosa is out of control, and this was our first evidence of that fact. It was a nice welcome to rural Colorado.

Later that week, we went for a bike ride along a wooded trail and saw this sight:

That same day, as were pulling up to our parking spot in front of our house, we saw a couple of deer standing in the middle of our street! What a sight. Now I'm starting to understand why there's an annual "In Town Deer Hunt" (with bows/arrows) every spring.


Unknown said...

Yikes! Make SURE you know what day that it (the in-town deer hunt) and wear bright orange!

KarenL said...

Are they big? Will would love to come hunt, especially in town with bows and arrows.