Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A White Easter

Have you ever experienced a snowy Easter?  I hadn't...until this year!  We awoke at 5:15am to several inches of snow and huge snowflakes falling.  Quite a sight, especially after returning from the tropical temperatures of Nicaragua! 

 So with freshly sun-tanned shoulders, I bundled up in long underwear and snow pants for the outdoor sunrise service, at which Deric preached.   The service wasn't canceled, but it was inside a huge shed instead of out in the open fields.    

In attendance: 19 adults, one toddler, two dogs, and two cats. :)  Deric talked about how the bodily resurrection of Jesus is the only logical explanation for the empty tomb and how the various other theories aren't logical at all.

What a memorable and special Easter!  The snow served as a tangible symbol and reminder of the meaning behind Easter: the ground covered in a blanket of white, just as sinful humans who accept Jesus' gift of grace are covered in clothes of righteousness and purity! 

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow..." Isaiah 1:18

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