Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blizzard Break-Down

We got a lot of snow yesterday, which apparently is unusual for April, even in Colorado.  

I had a very weird day yesterday.  I was scheduled to sub teach high school English at a small country school about 40 mins from our house in Alamosa.  When I awoke and saw the snow, I checked online but there were no closings or delay announcements, so I headed out around 7:15am.  After driving a few miles and realizing the roads were pretty bad, I decided to call the school.  Sure enough, they'd just decided on a two-hour delay, so I turned around and headed back to Alamosa.  Deric and I had breakfast together and then around 9:15am I headed back towards the school. 

 About 30 mins into the drive, along an isolated country road, the Cabrio suddenly slowed down and came to a complete stop. (No idea why...there was more than a half tank of gas, no warning signs, etc. It had done this on Easter Sunday morning as well, but we figured it was something flukey, like snow getting into the gas tank or something, because the car started right back up again after an hour or so.)  So, there I was, on the side of this country road, in the snow, about 5 miles from the school. I was surrounded by "white-wash" and couldn't see more than twenty feet in each direction. I'm so glad I had my phone with me!  I made several phone calls: to Deric, the school, and USAA roadside assistance.  

It was pretty comical trying to explain to the USAA lady where exactly I was stranded.  She was having a hard time locating my position on a map.  I was still on the phone with her when a cop pulled up behind me.  (I've never been so relieved to see flashing lights behind me!)  He suggested that he call a tow truck and offered to wait with me until it showed up, just to make sure no one hit me while I was parked.  I decided to go with that option because who knows how long it would've taken the USAA lady to figure out where I was!  About half an hour later, the tow truck showed up and we were on our way to a mechanic (about 45 mins away). 

I finally got home around noon, two and a half hours after my break down.  I was bummed that I never made it to school and lost that subbing job, but very thankful to be home! I changed into my pj's and crawled into bed.  After my traumatic morning, I just wanted to veg out and watch a movie (which I did). Last I heard from the mechanic was around 4pm that afternoon, and he had no idea what was wrong.  Hopefully they'll figure it out on Monday, and hopefully it's nothing too expensive to fix!  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A White Easter

Have you ever experienced a snowy Easter?  I hadn't...until this year!  We awoke at 5:15am to several inches of snow and huge snowflakes falling.  Quite a sight, especially after returning from the tropical temperatures of Nicaragua! 

 So with freshly sun-tanned shoulders, I bundled up in long underwear and snow pants for the outdoor sunrise service, at which Deric preached.   The service wasn't canceled, but it was inside a huge shed instead of out in the open fields.    

In attendance: 19 adults, one toddler, two dogs, and two cats. :)  Deric talked about how the bodily resurrection of Jesus is the only logical explanation for the empty tomb and how the various other theories aren't logical at all.

What a memorable and special Easter!  The snow served as a tangible symbol and reminder of the meaning behind Easter: the ground covered in a blanket of white, just as sinful humans who accept Jesus' gift of grace are covered in clothes of righteousness and purity! 

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow..." Isaiah 1:18

Monday, April 13, 2009

R's Nicaragua Trip (lots of photos!)

I was in Nicaragua April 4-11.  Our team of 10 was very dynamic and we enjoyed getting to know each other.  We were there to spend time with a group of teenagers who live at La Quinta de Esperanza (The Place of Hope), a Christian children's home (like an orphanage, but a bit different).  It was a great trip, full of memorable experiences and relationship-building.  I was so thankful to be a part of the team and witness God's work in Jinotepe, Nicaragua, but I was also glad to get home to Deric! :)  Thank you for your prayers, and enjoy the photos!

"We need to talk" poster in the airport parking lot.
I took this on Palm Sunday...thought it was appropriate. :)

Looking up at a wind chime.
I forgot this guy's name.
Kari with the green one (also forgot his/her name).

Kari walking to church with her little friend.
Greg talking with Enoch.
These girls loved to pose for me!
Perla and two cuties from the local barrio (neighborhood).
"He loves you" mural painted on the front church wall.
This girl loved to worship!

They danced to Carmen's "Army of the Lord." It was awesome.
They asked us to pray for/over them.

This little guy, Alejandro, stole my heart that morning.
Monday morning: making Gospel bracelets to pass out to the barrio (neighborhood) kids.
gold = heaven/paradise/relationship with God, black = our hearts because of sin, red = Jesus' shed blood on the cross, dying for our sins, white = our hearts after we receive His forgiveness and accept His gift of grace, green = our new life that grows in God.

Later that night...making bags of Gospel jelly beans to pass out to kids.

This is the bumpy dirt road which leads to The Quinta (where the church is and the kids live).
All ready to go out into the barrio and pass out bracelets. 
Tilling the soil in the garden.
This is in the local barrio (neighborhood).

We have a lot to be thankful for!

Jonathan and Dariluz (her name means "to give light") explain the Gospel to the kids.

With her new bracelet.

Some of The Quinta's kids
Patricia, Ruth y yo.
Tuesday morning we drove two hours to the beach of San Juan del Sur.

Sam enjoyed EVERY moment!

 Flor and Ruth

This is the hotel.
Up on the roof of the hotel.
Manuel and Freddy
I thought this was an ironic sight.
Wednesday morning we celebrated Cheryl's birthday by going ziplining!
So fun!

Landing Superwoman.

Coffee beans in their natural habitat.
Chad with a friend. 
Wednesday afternoon we traveled to the quaint town of Grenada.

I loved the architecture. 

We ate here, at Cathy's Waffle an IHOP. :)

okay. this guy had a little squirrel on a harness and shoestring leash. Di and Kari held it, which creeped me out a bit.

Grenada's square.
At the Wednesday evening church service we performed a sticks routine to the song "Arise, my love."

View from our room's balcony.
Hotel lobby.
The room Kari and I shared (very nice!)
Thursday morning: market time!

This grossed us out.

Poinsettia in its natural habitat. :)
Friday afternoon we visited Masaya.  Here's Perla's family's kitchen....
...and bedroom.
Walking in a Masaya neighborhood.
Ismael, Kari, and Carlos.
Our whole group out to lunch in Grenada.
Grenada's tourist-oriented market.
With Ismael and Perla.

At the Catalina lookout, with the Mombacho Volcano behind us.
It was a beautiful time of day to be there, just before sunset (what I call "Golden Hour.")
Friday night we had dinner together at the hotel and then we prayed for the kids.
Goofy group picture with our new t-shirts.